Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

Wow, I have just been too busy to post to this blog.  I guess I better write a long one that covers all the excitement I have had during June.  Why am I too busy you ask?  Because I am on the move!  I am going strong every waking hour.  I love being able to crawl all over the house, pulling myself up on every flat surface and knob in reach.  I chase balls on the wood floors, I try to get to all the laptop and TV cords I can reach, I open and pull out all the DVD's from the DVD player, I try to help Mom with emptying the dishwasher, and I love standing at the back sliding door and will it to open so I can go outside.

This is a picture that Mom took.  I think she was confused because every time she sees me lately this is the view she gets and I think she is starting to think this is my face.

On the weekend after we got home from our big Portland trip, Daddy got busy with the baby proofing.  Of course I wanted to help out.  While he was putting locks on the kitchen cabinets I was right with him every step, or crawl, of the way.

Daddy had a work trip and he left for a couple of days leaving me and Mommy home alone.  Luckily Gram and Auntie Meg came to visit while he was gone and I had people to play with.  

Gram and I spent a lot of time playing with blocks and books and learning about different shapes and animals. 

We also spent a lot of time in pool.  It was the first of the really hot days and Meg and Gram went swimming at least once day and sometimes more.

One night Mommy and Auntie Meg decided to go out to dinner and a movie with the Stroller Strides mommies and they left me with Gram.  I have been having a hard time when Mommy is out of my sight and I was feeling a little confused because Daddy had left so when she left that night I decided I was going to do my best to get her to come home.  I started crying and didn't stop for my dinner, my bath, or my night time bottle.  Gram gave up and called Mommy.  She came home instead of going to the movie and as soon as she walked in the door, I stopped crying and was happy again.  I promise that the next time I get one-on-one time with Gram I will be much happier about it.

Gram braved the heat with Mommy for the last week that Stroller Strides classes were held outside.  It was very hot for the two classes she came with us.  But we had a special day and took pictures for Father's Day.  I held the letters D and A while Mommy took my picture.  Then Mommy put together a picture frame with me spelling out D-A-D.  I wasn't sure what to think of the ten moms yelling "Smile!" at me so this was the face I made in ALL of the pictures.

For Father's Day we took a road trip to get out of the heat and headed up to Sedona.  It was a beautiful day in Sedona.  The red rocks were beautiful but I didn't get to spend much time looking at them because I was stuck in the stroller for most of the day.

We wandered around the downtown area all day going into all the gift shops and art galleries.  It was fun to watch Mommy, Gram and Meg look at all the silly things you can buy in all the shops.

Around lunch time Uncle Bunie and Cousin Kiana made it up.  We all had lunch together and then wandered through the town.  I don't think they were all that excited about all the shopping that Mommy, Gram, and Meg were doing so they didn't stay long, but it was nice to see them for a little while.  But we left shortly after too so that Daddy could make it back to see the end of the U.S. Open in golf.  

 Me and Daddy on Father's Day

Auntie Meg and Gram left a few days later after more swimming and more playing.  Since then the only excitement Mommy and I have had is Stroller Strides.  Anytime Mommy takes me outside it is HOT!  She tells me that it is over 110 degrees, but I don't really understand what that means.  All I know is that I am constantly sweating anytime I am in the car or out and about.  So we stay inside.  We usually go swimming later in the afternoon when the sun is mostly off the pool.  I mostly crawl around and play, with some eating and napping in the middle.  And Mommy yells at me a lot because I always seem to be into something I shouldn't be.  I just don't understand why I can't play with all the things that Mommy plays with all the time.  And I am still worried anytime Mommy leaves the room.  I just don't like it at all when she is out of my sight.  I am good at throwing a fit so that she will come back quickly.  Here are some the pictures she takes of me while we are playing on the floor and us reading on of my favorite books.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Far Away Land...

When I woke up last Thursday morning Mommy told me that we were going on an adventure.   After a whirlwind morning of packing, dishes and laundry we were off to the airport.  The lines were long and by the time Mommy and Daddy got us all through security and up to the plane it was already boarding.  We got on, in our seats, and were off.  I had a bottle and instead of napping decided I wanted to be up and talking to everybody for most of the flight.  Luckily everybody around me thought I was pretty cute and talked back to me.  After a short nap and a bumpy landing through the rain clouds we landed in a place called Portland Oregon.

I have never seen so much green in my life.  It was also 40 degrees cooler than it was at home, plus wet and rainy.  Aubrey picked us up at the airport and we all squeezed into their Jetta.  It was a tight fit but we made it work and headed to Beaverton.  It was nice to meet my Aunt Sara and Uncle Aubrey.  The first night was a little rough as I got used to the new place and sleeping in a pack n' play.  But we made it through the night and woke up the next morning to another drizzly day in Oregon.  While Mommy and Sara went off to the gym, Daddy and I played and then took a nap.  After lunch the sun was peaking out so we decided to go on an adventure to the Portland Rose Garden. 

I was all bundled up in a long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt because Mommy was worried I would get cold.  I could hardly move a muscle and my arms stayed straight out the whole time I was in the carrier.  It explains my sour expression the whole time we were out and about. 

Mommy thought it would be fun to pose me for a picture where I was smelling the roses, but if you put anything close to my mouth I am going to try and taste it.

Here are some pictures of just a few of the beautiful roses we saw:

A picture of the four of us at the Rose Garden

When we got home, we all hung out for a while before dinner.

Aundria and Sequoia (Aubrey's sister and niece) came over for dinner.  It was a late night for me with all the activity, but once I fell asleep I slept really well.  And the next morning I was surprised by another adventure.

Saturday came with sunshine!  I didn't really understand what all the hype was but apparently they don't see sun too often there.  We once again packed our stuff up and headed off to White Salmon, WA and one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite places to visit, "The Farm."  It was a rough start because I had an upset tummy but once I got a good nap in the car I was ready to go.  Once on the farm I got to meet my Aunt Woodley.

It was a beautiful day and were weren't there for very long when we all went out to play disc golf on their course.   I got to ride along with Daddy in the carrier.
Here is Daddy putting and you can see my hat and leg sticking out.  

Here is Mommy's attempt at making a drive.  At least it went straight that time.

Our family on the signature hole

After we were all done we posed for a picture with Mt. Adams in the background.  It was such a beautiful day on the Farm.

After we were done disc golfing we headed back to the house and spent the afternoon in the garden. 

Daddy thought it would be good for me to have shoes on but I thought they made a better teething toy.

Mommy, Daddy, Sara, and Woodley had fun playing "cornholing" and Mommy protected me from wayward bean bags.

It wasn't long and I was ready for bed.  Daddy took care of me that night so that Mommy could hang out with her friends.  Once I was asleep he used his and Mommy's cell phones as a baby monitor.  Mommy told me all about it the next day.  After I went to sleep everybody headed out to the stone circle for a bonfire.  I asked Mommy about all the bottles in the picture and she said to ignore them because they were for adults!  It looks like they were having fun without me!   
The next day we woke up to a very rainy morning.  They even had a fire going in the fireplace all morning.  After breakfast we headed back down to Portland with a stop in Hood River.  During lunch I entertained a little girl and her family and a group of women who thought I was very cute.  Then as we headed to the car we realized that there was bike race going on.  I got to see my first peloton group fly by as we stood and watched.

We had a quiet night once we got back to Sara and Aubrey's house.  The next morning was Monday and it was our last full day in Portland.  We got up and decided to take the dogs for a walk.  This was the best thing we could have done because I love dogs and giggled and squealed at them the whole walk.  We went to a regional park with trails that meandered through green, green, green with more beautiful flowers.  It was a cool moist day.  But I loved being out in it. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out around the house.  I should probably mention that I took some my first crawl steps while at Sara and Aubrey's.  And I really enjoyed the little step they had in their living room cause I could crawl right up it.

The next day we headed out to the airport as soon as we got up.  After such a busy weekend of meeting new people and being out and about all the time I was worn out.  The airport was busy and loud and kept me up but as soon as I was in my car seat on the plane I fell asleep.  When I woke up we were landing in Phoenix.  Mommy and Daddy were very happy with this and kept telling me what a good girl I was.  I didn't realize I could impress them so much with a nap.  Once we got outside it was sooooo hot and dry!  But it was good to be home.  Now I just have to get back on my schedule because I am all messed up!